One of the rapidly growing pharmaceutical companies in India, having a presence in more
than 80 countries, with industry leading standards and completely research driven approach.
Pioneer in Generic Medicine with around 15000 active employees across the globe.

Objective :
Secure Windows Login to enhance security, using Biometric Authentication for Windows
Active Directory.

Existing System:

  • Windows Active Directory was protected by Single Factor Authentication (Password)
  • Problems with the conventional ‘User ID & Password’ based security systems are:
    • Password/Identity theft was possible and Exchange of password within colleagues was
    • Password Policy to ensure consistency and uniformity
    • Periodic password changes to ensure data security


  • Windows Active Directory Synchronization
  • Password Policy Maintenance
  • Automatic Periodic Password change
  • Biometric Integration with Windows Active Directory
  • Offline Biometric Verification for Windows Login
  • Maintaining Logs of Every Active Directory user
  • Audit Compliance to various Pharma Industries Standard

Solution Deployed:

  • Precision Biometric proposed InnaIT –BioWinAD be integrated with the existing Windows Active Directory and provide the required Biometric based authentications for Windows Login
  • InnaIT –BioWinAD: The solution is designed to integrate the Biometric solution in a client server/Windows Active Directory based environment.
    BioWinAD solution consists of the below mentioned four components:

    • AD Client -AD client manages Client/Server communication and configuration of the server
    • Device Driver -The client-side driver contains the fingerprint capturing and extraction process
    • InnaIT Server -InnaIT Server contains Biometric Engine, Database, Configuration and
      Synchronization Modules
    • Password Manager –Password Manager manages the password of Active Directory users and changes the password automatically as per the Active Directory Password Policy and converts the AD password into random string for enhancing security
  • Hardware-Scanner will be connected to every PC/ Thin client via USB port
  • InnaIT Framework has introduced BioWinAD Application which can be integrated with Windows
    Active Directory. Precision has synchronized Active Directory with InnaIT BioWinAD. InnaIT will
    enroll the Fingerprint of every individual and store it on the InnaIT Server. InnaIT will maintain
    separate logs of each InnaIT user where every user will be logged in using Biometric.


    • Ties Logins of every Active Directory user with Biometric Authentication (Audit Trail)
    • Makes even complex password policies easy
    • Preserves confidentiality of sensitive data
    • Ensure conformity to laws, regulations, and standards
    • Ensured compliance with complex Audit rules